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Mandolin Orchestra
Mandolin Orchestra of NCKU Art Center was established in 2007. Hsu Wen-Lung, the founder of Chimei group, amazed all the students and staffs of NCKU by playing mandolin in the "Early Spring Concert" in 2007, and that was the origin of the Mandolin Orchestra. After the establishment, members of Mandolin Orchestra were recruited by NCKU Art Center regularly, and the instruments were sponsored by Chimei foundation.
From September, 2008 to June, 2012, NCKU Art Center cultivated the Mandolin Orchestra student group via the courses of General Education. Mandolin Orchestra of NCKU and Mandolin Orchestra student group have brought audiences numerous unfrogettable performances since then. For example, Mandolin Orchestra created a new era of music and visual art by playing with the Juang Ming-Da, the master of sand painting.
Currently, the Mandolin Orchestra is led by Professor Hsieh Wen-Zhen, the diractor of NCKU Art Center, programmed by Professor Wang Chi, the head of the Mandolin Orchestra, and directed by teacher Tung Yi-Chun and teacher Hsiao Ling.
The Mandolin Orchestra recruits new members every semester. New members range from NCKU staffs, NCKU students to community. The Mandolin Orchestra had played in school and outside school for multiple times, gaining strong responses. For instance, the Mandolin Orchestra was invited by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Penghu County, having a excellent show in Auditorium of Penghu. In January, 2013, the Mandolin Orchestra was invited to a charity show with local band in Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak, Malaysia. In May, 2013, the Mandolin Orchestra of NCKU played with the Mandolin Orchestra from Kyushu University, Japen in Cheng-Hsing Auditorium, appreciated by all audiences.
- Ms. Tsao (Performance Division)
- Ms. Tseng(Assistant)